Monday, March 11, 2013

Sands of time...

I was shifting through my old photos and found a couple of the crafty things I made last year.

This was a little wish bottle for TayloredCuriosities. You can't see it well in the picture, sadly but it is filled with tiny gold beads and has a heart of gold to match her heart of gold:

Click to enlarge (You will be redirected to Photobucket)

And this was an Ethel Journal I made for KittyPinkStars:



I really like to make things for my friends.


Saturday, June 30, 2012

Enchanted Skies Bag (Part Two)

I haven't had much time to do a lot more on my bag, but here is what it looks like now!


I'm really happy with the Fireworks fabric I picked up, especially that there are so many colors! I'll be adding my pockets next (and thus, zippers). Still on the prowl for a better strap, but I can make my own if I can't find one.

As you can see in the picture, there is no real closures... No magnets, no Velcro (it was among the first to go). Since I have the zipper I haven't had a problem with stuff falling out, but I'd still like to add a closure soon.

Thursday, June 28, 2012

The 30-Day Journal Challenge: Day 21, 22, 23 and 24

Journal Prompt 21:  What was your favorite story from today??

Journal Prompt 22:  What are some things that you are looking forward to?  These can be monumental things or they can be silly little things too!

Journal Prompt 23:  Today is a free choice page!!!  A free choice page means that you can create a page using whatever you want and journaling about anything you want!!  Have fun with this one guys!

PhotobucketPhotobucketPhotobucket •

I'll admit it, it's fun to see if I can get prompts to make a collage on a spread. This one has three... Admittedly, I do enjoy writing in the margins of my pages, haha. The "Dear Diary" drawing is a very condensed version of my Diary entry for that day, where I did indeed began work on my scrapbooking line (As of right now, I have three patterns drawn out and a page of cut-outs). I'm really nervous about making that official post but I'm determined to conquer that fear and just go for it!

 Journal Prompt 24:  Alright, today we are creating a Top 10 List.  This Top 10 list can be of anything!  This can be a Top 10 List that has already been established but that you want to document, or it can be a Top 10 list that you think up right this second!!


Ten Japanese Kanji that I know by heart! :3
I can't believe it's all going to be over soon! I never do the things on my lists and over the last almost-month I actually did some! I nearly finished the bag I had listed on the Summer Projects prompt. And my manga is well on its way to completion!

It's been really fun getting up and finding a daily prompt and being part of a group that enjoys journaling as much as I do.

I can't wait 'til next year!


Monday, June 25, 2012

The 30-Day Journal Challenge: Day 18, 19 and 20

Journal Prompt 18:  Today is all about altering a repeat image :)  Copy an image, or images, multiple times using a copy machine, or scanner and print the images in black and white.  Use different writing tools to alter your images in many different styles.  (If you don't have access to a copier of any kind, alter images from a magazine or old pictures, do it your way and it will be awesome).


There seems to be an ongoing ice cream theme sneaking into my pages. Hmmm...

Journal Prompt 19;  Should you be doing something different with your life right now?  why or why not?


I actually had way different plans for this page, but once I colored her and the flowers, I realized that I liked how having her surrounded by a blank background seemed to reflect the words better than what I had originally planned. Interestingly enough, I have often discribed this feeling in my Journals as being like a blank page waiting to be filled.

Journal Prompt 20:  Today your journal will be hijacked!!  Today you will give up control of your journal and let someone else create a page for you!!

My Journal was hijacked by my mom!

I love how she did these pages... The bottle with the beads inside, the tiny buttons, the seed packets... And the locket even opens! It's such a fun spread!


Sunday, June 24, 2012

The 30-Day Journal Challenge: Day Eleven, 14, 15 and 16

Hullo, guys!

I haven't dropped out of the 30-Day Journal Challenge, I've just been super busy and not had time to post my pages. So here we go!

Journal Prompt 11:  How do you love?  Through dating, and marriage, I had always heard talk about the five love languages.  I never thought much about it because I was pretty sure I knew exactly how I loved :)  Once I read the book, it made so much sense to me!!!  What is your love language, how do you love?


I actually have read The Five Love Languages, I think it's great for helping one understand others, regardless of if the relationship is romantic or not. My Love Language is Giving of Gifts. That being said, before I read the book I knew that made me feel loved but I felt bad about it, I thought that made me seem like a materialistic buy-me-love person. But I also knew I wasn't like that. It's all in the delivery... I love surprises... Someone took time out of their day and thought of me. Or saw something and thought "She would like that." I was thought of. Everything I own that was gifted to me is treasured, and I remember the story behind each one. I hold them and smile and feel loved all over again.

In this page the gift is an ice cream treat <3

Journal Prompt 14:  What roles do you play?  Easy Peasy prompt today :)


No, I didn't skip 12 and 13, they just weren't finished yet because I was still gathering the pieces to fill the page ;3

I have many roles, but in this page I decided to document just one... Dreamer.

Day 15 Journal Prompt:  This summer, I will not be defined by....

Journal Prompt 16:  Imagine.  I am a total dreamer when it comes to life. I am constantly asking myself questions like what if the sky was pink and the grass was blue, all of those silly kinds of things.  Anyway, today is the day to use your imagination and imagine a world full of things you would like to see!


I will not be defined by those whose voices are louder than mine.

I have noticed in life that it's the ones with the loudest voices, the ones on TV and those with the greater authority, are the ones that seem to define how everyone sees certain people. People automatically judge me based on their experience with someone else and they don't take the time to get to know me and see that I may not be that way.

Right below it I imagine a world of ice cream and sugar drops and cotton candy clouds! Yum!

I had nothing to say for the Father's Day prompt.

I still have more but I didn't want to make my post too big... I'll post the rest later this week when I have more to share :3


Enchanted Skies Bag (Part One)

(My next post will be a 30-Day Journal Challenge update! I've not dropped out :3)

When things are hard, I bury myself in my world. I draw, I write... I create. Often my creativity goes out the window, but when those moments come when creativity needs to be let out, I like to be ready! Thus, I tote around a purse that's fairly... unpurse-ish and more accomadating for what I carry around.

Click to enlarge
 (You will be redirected to Photobucket)


Don't get me wrong, I did like this bag (I bought it, after all!) but one day I decided it just didn't reflect the fun little world created within it. So when I went hunting for a zipper for it...

• Photobucket

... I went with Cranberry, since it was on sale, which meant I needed the fabric to match it so that it would close properly when zipped. And yay, my bag had a zipper! But I wasn't done, nope...

I decided to do more to it and now it looks like this!


Because I carry it around as I work on it, people have stopped to ask where I got it and I've gotten so many compliments... And it's not even done yet! (Shy me is soooo shy, but I try to be friendly so that they know I appreciate that they like my work ^____^)

This is it so far, I'll do a follow-up post once I add the other fabrics (FIREWORKS!!) and extras :3


Tuesday, June 12, 2012

The 30-Day Journal Challenge: Day Ten

Journal Prompt 10: Another List ( I looooove lists).  Today we will make a list of all of the projects we would like to accomplish this summer.  With the weather nice, and the extra sunshine, it seems like such  perfect time to start checking those things off of our lists right?
Photobucket •

I decided to keep this page simple. The words are a bit fuzzy in the photo, so here it is:

Finish drawing my manga: I've been drawing one up for awhile... Time to finish!
Set up my Wingly Adoption Shop: I had the idea for this for a looooong time. I have the stuff to make 'em, now it's time to do it and find them homes! And this one goes with the first one... The manga I'm working on is the story behind the Winglies.
Make a bag to hold my Poke-mon stuff: A friend of mine got me into playing Poke'mon. Shuffling everything from one room to another is... interesting. There's your decks, your counters and coin, the maps, the rulebooks and of course, your li'l Poke'mon sidekick (mine's Tepig!) SO I am going to convert one of my old bags into a Poke'mon Stuff Holder.